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    Looking for Social Media Content for Your Credit Union or Bank?

    Looking for Social Media Content for Your Credit Union or Bank?

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    One question we get over and over is 'Where can I find good social media content for our institution?' And the answer to social media marketing for Financial Institutions is truly is more simple than you might think… JUST ASK YOUR MEMBERS/CUSTOMERS! 

    Example #1: Ask Simple Questions on Instagram or Facebook About Favorite Local Businesses/Restaurants

    Recently we ran a simple comment to win contest for Credit Union members around ‘get to know your customers’ day (which we changed to get to know your members day!). This is celebrated by businesses on the 3rd Thursday of each quarter, and we have found it’s a great excuse to learn more about your customers. Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at 9.50.32 AM.jpg

    In this example, we asked people to comment and tag their favorite local businesses and also asked specifically for restaurants. We learned SO much and were also able to develop some nice organic connections with local businesses.

    The contest was very inexpensive and easy to run -- even just a $10 Dunkin Donuts card is enough to encourage participation.

    And if you target these posts to confirmed members/customers on the platform (with an email list or retargeting people who've been on your website) you KNOW that the info is about your very customers! Then you can share more relevant content in the future, which will improve your engagement!


    Example #2: Ask Customers About Favorite Activities & Hobbies for New Social Media Content

    In another similar contest, we asked about favorite hobbies and local attractions. Again, we simply asked people to share in comments on Instagram and Facebook for a chance to win a very small prize.

    The results were fantastic! In one day we received 38 local parks and 31 hobbies that are favorites of credit union members. Now you might ask, SO WHAT?

    Well… social media is all about building relationships. And we do that by trying to be authentic and caring about what people do and where they like to go. So, we’ve now created a spreadsheet of these preferences and use them to inspire the content we share in the future.

    We track when and where we share local attractions, and information about favorite hobbies, and we make sure that we tag any relevant IG accounts when possible, which again boosts the organic reach of the Credit Union or Bank's social media content. 

    [DOWNLOAD NOW: Free Credit Union Staff Social Media Policies & Procedures Template]


    Example #3: Share Customer & Staff Stories to Encourage Referrals and Reach Friends and Family

    Testimonials are something we push with each and every client we work with. At least once a year we run an email and social media testimonial contest for all of our clients, and these provide incredible content for social media.

    Telling member stories is a no-brainer for credit unions and community banks. These testimonials tend to be moving stories of how a staff member helped someone overcome a significant obstacle or how a person used the institution's products or services to save for their first car or house. We’ve seen stories of helping avoid bankruptcy and overcoming the challenges of the loss of a family member.

    All of this kind of content is fantastic to share in the future on social media or via other means like emails, blogs or direct mail. And it acts as almost word of mouth marketing, but with the potential to be multiplied across many online channels and social networks. Make sure you include these ideas in any comprehensive social media marketing strategy.


    Example #4: Survey members yearly or even quarterly for feedback on the social media content you are sharing and what they would like to see more of

    This sounds so easy, but you’d be surprised how few financial institutions actually do this. Consider including some of the following questions on your next member survey: 

    • When you are on social media, what platforms do you prefer? (provide answer list of options)
    • Do you follow our FI on (include social platform you want feedback on)?
    • If you follow us, what do you like about our social media efforts?
    • If you were managing our social media, what would you change about our efforts on ---- platform?
    • Are there topics that you’d like to see our FI create more content about? (please list)
    • Do you read our blog? (provide link)
    • If you read the blog, approximately how often?
    • Which topics on the blog have you found most useful? What topics would you like to see more blogs about?

    And remember, customer feedback from these kinds of surveys only makes an impact if you USE it! So, make sure you provide this information to the appropriate staff members so that they can take the feedback to heart and adjust the credit union marketing and sales approach accordingly.


    Example #5: Encourage Front-Line staff to share FAQs with Marketing Team

    This one is a little more challenging, but often we find with marketing and sales departments they are working within a silo, and are often quite disconnected with branch staff and customers themselves. 

    We urge you to consider ways to better connect your internal departments. Whether it’s via formal meetings each month or quarter, where each branch sends a team member to provide marketing and sales campaign feedback and FAQ examples, or more informal team lunches. Create an environment that encourages sharing. 

    Then take these ideas and put them to work! 

    At FI GROW Solutions, we are always here to help! Download our latest FREE template on creating a Social Media Strategy today!

    This article was originally Published as Guest Blog on CUINSIGHT

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