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    Digital Ads Management

    Get More Qualified Leads

    Whether you are trying to increase overall brand awareness or you're looking for more lending leads, digital ads are key to your success. Well-designed digital ad campaigns will bring new traffic to your website and provide new conversions for sales follow-up.

    Increase Qualified Traffic To Your Site

    Digital Ads Strategy that Drives Your Success

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    Google Pay Per Click (PPC)

    Get Found on Search and Generate Leads
    Cost-effective and carefully targeted way to show the right people your ads at the right time.
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    Social Media Ads

    Increase Brand Recognition
    Interact with your customers on familiar grounds. Stay top-of-mind for financial products and share your company culture.

    YouTube Ads

    Elevate Your Brand with Video
    Reach your target audience effectively and boost conversions with our strategic placement ads on YouTube.
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    Landing Page Design

    Key Success Factors
    Personalized guidance in optimizing your product pages/landing pages for driving greater success.
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    Robust Reporting Tool

    Real-Time Dashboard
    All paid ads initiatives consolidated on one robust dashboard. Make strategic decisions based on custom reports.
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    Continuous Optimization

    Expert Ad Management
    Our experts constantly update campaigns to enhance results and pinpoint patterns across financial institutions for optimal outcomes.
    Invest in Digital

    Investing in Digital for Banks and Credit Unions

    FIGrow Solutions What Bank Execuitives Must Know When Investing in Digital Final Cover Page

    Download this FREE Guide

    Ensure you have everything you need to build a robust digital branch for your financial institution! It includes everything you must know when looking to invest in digital.

    Social Media & Google PPC Ads for Banks and Credit Unions

    How Digital Ads Work With Inbound Marketing

    Well-designed and continually optimized Google Pay-per-Click ad campaigns are important to your bank or credit union for a few reasons. As you create useful and informative content for your prospects and current customers, digital ads can help drive new traffic to that content. This will boost organic search results over time.

    In addition, PPC campaigns put your products and services in front of people at exactly the moment they are online searching for more information. Thus showing the right person the right message at the right time!

    Social ads bring value in the form of brand awareness and relationship building. Your current customers and potential new customers spend a lot of time online and much of this traffic is found on social media networks. Rather than fighting to get people to your website, meet people where they are already and bring your content to them via Facebook or Instagram. Social ads will help you do just that!


    mobile with megaphone
    Drive Qualified Leads

    How to Avoid Getting Scammed by Your Digital Ad Agency

    Learn crucial factors in choosing a digital marketing agency and the importance of personalized ad strategies.

    Get the Full Episode Sent to Your Inbox

    Real Results

    Fuel Data-Driven Decision Making

    Our social media digital ads campaigns are designed to warm up your new audiences and then target them in the future for your products and services. PPC campaigns reach people when they are searching for more information about financial products and services on Google. Both drive qualified traffic to your website and will positively impact overall leads and conversions.

    Credit Union social media ad on phone.
    Dashboard showing how much credit unions spend per year on social media.
    What our clients say


    We require no long-term commitment so you can decide to reduce or even end services at any time. We do this because we believe our results should be why you decide to stay with us.

    But let's hear what our clients have to say...

    Understand the Market

    ...they understand the market and what our members want, and are thorough in their research and deliverables from the strategic goals all the way to the tasks required to meet those goals, and they know the importance of ROI

    Truly Care About Results

    The [FI GROW] team truly cares about producing results for their clients. Every project includes Key Progress Indicators, and they track our success in meeting these indicators on every project.

    FI GROW Led Us Through the Project

    The team at FI GROW is always able to adapt to the situation and address the most pressing needs, and also adept at working quickly. FI GROW most certainly met our expectations on our website project... while some of us at the CU had been through site builds before, this was the first time any of us had built a site with this much advanced technology. FI GROW took the reins and led us through it!

    Make it Happen!

    Digital Ads Pricing

    Only A Flat Fee Pricing. We Don't Charge a Percentage.

    $ 2,350 /mo

    Facebook & Instagram Ads

    Stay Top-of-Mind with Prospects

    • Full Campaign Set-up
    • Weekly Optimization
    • 2-4 Campaigns Running
    • Monthly ROI Reporting
    $ 2,485 /mo

    Google PPC Ad Management

    Show Up on Google Search

    • Full Campaign Set-up
    • Weekly Optimization
    • 2-4 Campaigns Running
    • Monthly ROI Reporting
    $ 850 /mo

    Add-On YouTube Pre-Roll Placements

    Video Ads to Drive New Leads

    • Full Campaign Set-up
    • All Video Editing Included
    • One Video Ad Per Quarter
    • Monthly ROI Reporting
    Recent Articles

    Digital Ads Resources