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    [Top 10 List] The Best Credit Union Websites We've Seen All Year!

    [Top 10 List] The Best Credit Union Websites We've Seen All Year!

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    This year we've been working with a number of credit union clients who are looking into redesign their websites. So we have a pretty awesome running list of gorgeous, high functioning CU websites we've compiled as examples. Here's our Top 10 List of the Best Credit Union Websites we've seen so far this year!

    (Disclaimer: These sites are in no specific order, and ALL of these are fully mobile responsive, as this is a MUST for any website to be used as an example. We also tested all of these sites using the Google mobile performance tool, and included results for each site. Mobile load times can vary widely based on cellular service provider, but this tool gives a good idea of the average load times and the faster the load time the better, of course!)

    1. Evolve Credit Union
      (Mobile Load Time - 5 Seconds)

    Evolve Credit Union website image

    We love this credit union website because the design is clean and their branding is very consistent throughout the site. There's not too much going on on the homepage and options are limited to simplify the user's expreience and help point them in specific directions.

    Evolve also has a 'start live chat' option which is huge in the financial industry today! Millennials LOVE chat for customer service, so this is a great feature for pushing out to younger members! Nice work! 


    2. Numerica Credit Union  (Mobile Load Time - 8 Seconds)

    This one is in our Top 10 because it's just STUNNING! The home page is beautifully designed, with more information as you scroll down, but still clean and consistent. 

    Numerica also has a chat function which is fantastic, and they are featuring some great content from their News Room (similar to a blog). And we also like seeing that they aren't afraid to have a little fun on Instagram and show this off on their website as well!

    Would love to see them using forms and Calls to Action (CTA) on their content pieces to capture some leads for follow up. Great job with this site!

    Numberica Website image3. Nutmeg State Financial Credit Union  (Mobile Load Time - 7 Seconds)

    This one made the cut because the branding look and feel are just so much fun! The homepage is colorful and eye-catching, and the website copy is fantastically creative... 'Have you ever banked in the back seat of a car?' 'Loans for the little guy!' Great text to go along with this energetic design.

    Would love to see some more informative blog content to support this fantastic website and creative great brand. Awesome work!

    nutmeg state website image4. VSECU  (Mobile Load Time - 9 Seconds)

    Full disclousure, we have worked with this CU, but have not been involved with the design of their website. We love this one for a few reasons. Although the website isn't as simple and clean as some of the others we are featuring, the informative nature of the information featured is fantastic. 

    VSECU has also fully implemented Inbound marketing, and is actively capturing leads on their site as users navigate from page to page. For example, if you are purusing their auto loan page you will be offered a free Car Buying 101 e-book, and if you download it you will then receive well designed emails containing additional resources.

    This CU also does a fantastic job of highlighting their work in the local bcommunity on their home page, and they consistently leverage this as a selling point for banking with their credit union. Great work!

    VSECU home page imageLEARN MORE: Get Your Own FREE Custom Website or Facebook Page Assessment!

    5. Southeast Financial Credit Union  (Mobile Load Time - 10 Seconds)

    With a simple and clean design, this website has creative images that pop on the white background. We also like the icon calls-to-action that prompt simple choices for users coming to their homepage for the first time.

    Southeast Financial Credit Union home page image

    6. DuGood Federal Credit Union  (Mobile Load Time - 7 Seconds)

    Capitalizing on the message of their name, DuGood has a website that features the concept of 'doing good' for others front and center! And why not, as this truly is what sets credit unions apart from big banks!

    The site features real member testimonials throughout and also shows off positive community impacts of the credit union. Awesome!

    DuGood is also clearly utilizing content and Inbound marketing to capture leads on their website. They have great infomative information and sbutle pop ups that offer useful downloads. Would love to see them implement chat for member service. Great job with this site!!Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 3.34.39 PM.jpg

    7. Meadows Credit Union  (Mobile Load Time - 16 Seconds)

    We love this one because of the action items they use as menu choices: Discover, Borrow, Save, Convenience, Benefit. These are excellent concepts to associate with their CU brand. We also love the scrolling member testimonials on the home page. Real member stories are always nice to highlight.

    Meadows credit union website image

    LEARN MORE: What is Inbound for Financial Institutions Anyway?

    8. InTouch Credit Union  (Mobile Load Time -  24 Seconds)

    We love the look and feel of this CU's website. Images are eye-catching and we like the addition of a 'Featured Employee' at the bottom of the homepage. Nice way of humanizing the brand and showing off a great asset of the credit union, the staff! And the mobile version of this site is STUNNING!

    The website also has a consistent circular design that carries through from page to page. Would love to see landing pages for capturing leads as people are reading their content, and load times could be reduced.

    InTouch Credit Union website image

    9. Directions Credit Union  (Mobile Load Time -  13 Seconds)

    The design and branding of this CU is a bit more traditional, but the website is anything but old fashioned! With chat capabilities, clear navigation, and useful blog content, they have a great foundation for digital success!

    Love all these features, and they are very up to date.

    Directions Credit Union website image

    10. USF Federal Credit Union  (Mobile Load Time -  7 Seconds)

    USF Federal Credit Union mobile site image

    We love the consistent brand colors and mobile version of this credit union website. The icons and choices on the main page are also simple and clear. We also noticed they have short informative podcasts in their learning center which is excellent!


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