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Should Credit Unions and Banks Advertise on Social Media?

Should Credit Unions and Banks Advertise on Social Media?

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Here's another great video blog we shot with the guys at ClickVue.

Today we are discussing the question: Should Credit Unions or Community Banks Advertise on Social Media? The answer is YES!!

Social media platforms are pay-to-play networks. Without advertising you are spending a lot of time posting and sharing content, but no one will really see it all.

You can shrink your budgets from traditional spending and spend fractions of the price charged for radio, tv or print, but then get much more highly targeted ads and be able to see the results in a very clear way.

To be honest, we won't even work with clients who WON'T spend some budget on social media. At the end of the day, not having the budget is typically an excuse that we see used when people don't understand the benefit or value of the approach.

Here's our founder's explanation on the topic... in under 3 minutes! 


So, Should Credit Unions and community banks advertise on Social Media? The answer is a resounding YES!

Top Reasons Why:
- Social Networks are all pay to play platforms, where content won't get any impressions without advertising support.

- The targeting is incredible, you can reach members, and users based on all kinds of demographics and specific interests.

- You can also target by household makeup, home value, buying habits, and many, many other useful insights.

- Optimization and proving ROI has never been easier than with Social media and digital ads. As long as you know how to narrow your focus you can put your content in front of the right person, in the right place, at the right time!

- Small budgets can go a LONG way. Much further than they could in the past, which makes social ads that much better of an option!

Let us show you how it's done! Contact Us today!

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