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    How to Optimize Bank or Credit Union Video Content for Facebook

    How to Optimize Bank or Credit Union Video Content for Facebook

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    Here's the Latest on Bank or Credit Union Video Content: Is your Financial Institution using native video on Facebook?

    Definition: 'native Facebook video' - a video file that is uploaded directly to Facebook rather than shared on Facebook with a linking url from another site like Vimeo or YouTube.

    According to one recent study of Facebook pages using videos, 96.4% of these videos were posted directly to Facebook as native videos rather than shared through another platform. And the Facebook native videos have engagement rates MUCH higher than those shared from other platforms.

    With the Facebook video uploader you can set custom starting thumbnails, include keywords and titles and even narrow the audience for your videos. The funtionality is fantastic!credit union video content image

    What this means for your Bank or Credit Union videos is that they need to be licensed by your FI so that you can upload them directly to Facebook, rather than sharing videos from outside sources you might find on YouTube.

    And we have just the solution for you!

    With video subscriptions starting as low as $150 per month, ClickVue videos cannot be beat! This company will customize them for an additional fee and have great regular original content that we highly recommend.

    We also help clients use these videos for blogs, landing pages and email campaigns. The options for re-purposing this type content are numerous! Check out these examples below or contact us or ClickVue for more information! 

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