FI GROW Solutions Blog

5 Tips From HubSpot: Make Your Bank or Credit Union Marketing Ideas a Success!

Written by Meredith Olmstead | January 23, 2019

Check Out Our Top Credit Union Marketing Ideas - Recent Take-A-Ways from HubSpot Fundamentals Training

Last year we accompanied a new Credit Union client to a two-day on-boarding training at HubSpot. This was a great opportunity for us to review our Inbound marketing skills while also coming up with a fantastic first digital marketing campaign for this CU. We wanted to share some of our notes with you all to help grow your Financial Institution!

Here are our the Top 5 Credit Union Marketing Ideas we wanted to share from our amazing two days at HubSpot:

Tip #1: Create Buyer Personas for Each of Your Target Audiences

These involve actually putting a fictional name, face and then real demographic data to the people you are targeting with your Credit Union's marketing. Consider their age, income and interests. You should brainstorm their hopes, fears and goals in life.

These kinds of personas help your staff humanize the people you are trying to reach. This helps them create more authentic messaging and promotional offers that will resonate with the audience.

One of the Personas we created was for the parents of young people, ages 16-25. This is a group that highly influences the financial decisions of the potential next generation of Credit Union members, and thus are a very high priority for the CU’s marketing messaging.

We will be helping our client build campaigns that resonate with this Parent audience and provide appreciated value and timely advice, in hopes that this will inspire them to influence their kids to also join the Credit Union.

We will also use this information to drive this group to our website and landing pages and convert them to potential leads that Credit Union staff and then follow up with in the future.


Tip #2: In Email Marketing Always A/B Test Your Subject Lines

This is especially important when looking for patterns of good and bad digital marketing performance. If you have the exact same demographics and the same email content, but just change the subject lines slightly, you can see clearly which subject performed better. You can also easily test times of day and days of the week for emails, to see if any of these factors influence open or click through results.

This kind of A/B testing should then be used to help inform how to craft future marketing communications.


Tip #3: Always, Always, Always SEND LATER for email campaigns

It’s tempting to just push SEND NOW, but trust me, you WILL find typos. Experts recommend sending tests to yourself and at least one other person to proof read, and then let the email wait for even 30 minutes, just in case something you want to add pops into your head.

This way you’ll have a few minutes to make changes or additions before the final version goes out.

LEARN MORE: 12 Decisive Steps to ow to Grow Your Credit Union or Community Bank

Tip # 4: Consider Running an Internal Staff Blogging Contest to Generate New Original Content

Coming up with new Credit Union marketing ideas can definitely be a challenge, and keeping blog content fresh is also very tricky. It can be hard to motivate internal staff to write blogs when they are busy with all their regular responsibilities. BUT if you make it worth people’s time, you might find they make the extra effort.

Give away a free Starbucks gift card for each completely peice of content, or maybe create a larger drawing for a chance to win $150 cash at the end of the month to anyone who submits a useable blog. You’ll find a lot of potential new content will surely come your way!


Tip # 5: Make Sure to Set Clear SMART Goals For All of Your Marketing Campaigns

Writing goals like this is harder than you might think. When HubSpot says SMART, they mean: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant & Timely.

As the saying goes... "Rome wasn’t built in a day," so remember that if you want more members at your Credit Union, you'll likely need increased traffic to your website, and you probably won’t be able to DOUBLE your current audience in a week, and maybe not even in a month! So what kinds of Credit Union marketing ideas might help? Consider goals that focus on small steps.

Look at past benchmarks and then craft goals that build upon your progress slowly. If you want to increase website traffic specifically think about all of the efforts that will go into those results (SEO, keywords, blogging, social media sharing, etc.). Set smaller goals in ALL those areas for the first 3-6 months and then look for the larger website traffic results a little further out. 

But bringing new customers into your sales funnel is also difficult to track and measure. This is where a software like HubSpot can help you build relationships with online leads and then nurture them slowly over time to eventually turn them into new members.

Want some help getting this all right? You might enjoy this recent article on the Best Blogs for Credit Union marketing ideas. Or Contact Us today and we will be happy to give you some pointers! :)