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4 Tips to Get Backlinks and a Higher Google Ranking [Infographic]

Written by Rebecca Gwaltney | May 24, 2021

We all know that it takes A LOT to rank high in Google search. In fact, there are three major ranking factors that impact how well your website ranks: Links, Content, and RankBrain Algorithm. With links being so important, it's time to understand what they are and get a handle on a link-building strategy.

4 Tips to Get Backlinks and a Higher Google Ranking

Before we dive right in, let's touch on the basics. Link-Building is the process of getting other websites to link to pages of quality content on your website causing you to rank higher in Google search results. These hyperlinks are called backlinks.

More Backlinks = Higher Search Results Ranking (for the most part)

Typically the more backlinks your website has, the higher it will rank in organic search results. There is always an exception to the rule, and in this case, you must keep in mind that not all links bring the same value.

If you are linked to a site that is ranking poorly or is not relevant to your content, you may be doing more harm than good by associating yourself with that website. If you must link to a page that is ranking poorly, be sure to use a "no-follow" tag.

Now that we have covered the basics of backlinks, check out how you can get more links, and as a result, a higher Google ranking:



Backlinks Tip #1: Create Links

Add your link to local sites that are well known and have traffic so that visitors will find their way to your website.

Some examples of sites like this include business or local chamber directories, job search listings, Q&A sites, local community pages, and blogs that allow you to comment (as long as the topic is relevant to your website). Google knows that adding your link to these types of websites is easy, so even though the effort is worth it, keep in mind it won't give you a large advantage.  


Backlinks Tip #2: Ask For Links

Reach out to other website owners with content that will enhance their site or make their job easier. You must add value and have a great reason for them to go through the effort of adding your link to their content.

Writing a guest blog for a non-profit or community chamber of commerce is a great way to get started.

Other avenues include following up on your press releases asking them to link your website to the featured content and providing local community and donation centers with links to your free financial resources like calculators, budgeting eBooks, debt consolidation tips, etc. 


Backlinks Tip #3: Earn Links

Earning links happens naturally when others link to your awesome content without being asked. You must have something outstanding in order for this to happen. That being said, if no one knows your content exists, they won't be able to find it and link to it.

This means you MUST invest in great fresh content and you absolutely HAVE to promote and share it. Some examples of great sharable content include guides, tutorials, eBooks, calculators, infographics, and SEO-optimized ccontent campaigns.


Backlinks Tip #4: Keep Your Hard Earned Links

Once you have earned links, you must keep an eye on your link profile. Staying on top of your backlinks will allow you to watch for pages that have been updated or deleted so you can get your link restored. Some of your own website pages may end up being deleted so existing links may now receive a 404 page. To fix this situation be sure to restore those pages or set up a 301 redirect to the most appropriate pages on your website.

As you head out and start building links you must remember that link quality, not quantity, should be your focus. It's time to develop some killer content, reach out to your contacts, increase traffic to your site and improve your organic search ranking!  

Looking to find out more tips on how to win with Google? Check out our Win With Google - Lead Your Financial Institution's Content Strategy to Success on-demand course!